Kerr Newman De Sitter (KNdS) horizons & ergospheres. M: mass, a: spin, ℧: charge, H: Hubble constant, Λ: cosmological constant, Θ: angle
Color code:
cosmic horizon,
![if image doesn't load refresh with [F5] or force refresh with [ctrl]/[strg]+[F5]](nix.gif) cosmic ergosphere,
![if image doesn't load refresh with [F5] or force refresh with [ctrl]/[strg]+[F5]](nix.gif) BH outer ergosphere,
![if image doesn't load refresh with [F5] or force refresh with [ctrl]/[strg]+[F5]](nix.gif) BH event horizon,
![if image doesn't load refresh with [F5] or force refresh with [ctrl]/[strg]+[F5]](nix.gif) BH Cauchy horizon,
![if image doesn't load refresh with [F5] or force refresh with [ctrl]/[strg]+[F5]](nix.gif) BH inner ergosphere
In the numeric display the radii are in the equatorial plane; if the value is i, there is no solition at the equator, but near the poles
The M, a & ℧ of the BH are fixed parameters while Λ=3H² takes different values. All numbers are in natural geometrized units: G=M=c=kε=1
In the images in the 7th column where the critical Λ is exceeded, the cosmic and outer BH horizons pop, while the Cauchy horizon remains
9th column: Anti De Sitter (ΚΝAdS) variants where the negative Λ exceeds its critical value, so no horizons, but only ergospheres remain
In the last column the Schwarzschild De Sitter (SSdS) limit (a=℧=0) & the corresponding Nariai limit with both horizons @ rH=3 are shown
Metric, tensors, scalars & equations of motion in different coordinates: BL, KS, 0 - simulator: ⚛, code: ∛, zoom: [-], share: CC BY-SA 4