Evolution of the cosmic horizons in a negatively curved universe: Ωk>0
in proper (r) & comoving (R) distances. Plot range: r|R=0…70, t|η=0…70
Parameters @ a=1: Ωr=0.000092, Ωm=0.315, Ωk=1-Ωr-Ωm, t0=11.7, H0=67.15
Those are the same Ωmegas as in our current ΛCDM model, but with ΩΛ→Ωk
Color code: Hubble radius, Event horizon, Particle horizon, Light cone
Gray dashed curves: worldlines of objects comoving with the Hubbleflow
Static | Crunch | Rip | Radiation | Matter | Milne | Hyperbolic | ΛCDM
↑ r(t) / ↓ R(t)
↑ R(t) / ↓ R(η)
[Main]¦[Code] Index: a, ȧ, ä, ã, â, H, Ḣ, Ḧ, rH, rE, rP, rL, Σr, Ω